Our Mission

Advance the health and well-being of rural people and communities

Areas of Focus


Bringing awareness to the unique needs facing rural communities.


Building knowledge, skills, and confidence through a range of community health interventions and educational programs.


Supporting programs and policies that bridge connections between local agriculture, food access and healthcare.


Improving transportation access and coordination in South Central New York.


Enhancing service planning and assessment, policy implementation, and program evaluation through coordination and collaboration.

"My VISTA experience showed me the importance and impact that programs and initiatives like those at Rural Health Network can have on individuals and communities."

-Caroline Russo
AmeriCorps VISTA Member 2016-2017   

Our Impact

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With cold and flu season upon us-here are some good tips for staying healthy and preventing those pesky viruses!www.cdc.gov/flu/prevention/actions-prevent-flu.html ... See MoreSee Less
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With it being both Black History Month and American Heart Month, we are sharing some health disparities that black Americans face in the medical field. Black Americans have the highest incidence of cardiac arrest outside of the hospital and are significantly less likely to survive. www.heart.org/en/health-topics/consumer-healthcare/what-is-cardiovascular-disease/african-america... Cardiac arrest in Black neighborhoods is associated with alarmingly low treatment and survival rates and studies have shown lower rates of both bystander CPR and bystander AED use in these neighborhoods. We need to change this trajectory. To help bridge this gap, consider taking a CPR class. You very well could end up saving someone's life!If you are not CPR-certified and would like to sign up for a class atlas.heart.org/ ... See MoreSee Less
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Happy American Heart Month! Today is National Wear Red Day! The history of this day goes back to 2004 when the Go Red for Women campaign launched to bring awareness to heart disease and stroke in women.Cardiovascular disease in women is the leading cause of death in the United States. Back in 2002 a national campaign called The Heart Truth introduced the Red Dress to symbolize women's heart health. Show your support and awareness of women's heart health by wearing red! This can be in the form of a shirt, a dress, accessories, or shoes! Encourage your family and friends to wear RED!www.heart.org/en/affiliates/national-wear-red-day-social-media ... See MoreSee Less
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